So I've been working on my Kent Display driver but had a hardware connection failure between the female header pins on my Arduino and the
male/female jumper wires that Sparkfun sells. Turns out the connection is a little too loose and now I have to hold the jumpers sideways to get any communication to work and even then it is unreliable. So in the meantime while waiting for my
ScrewShield to show up and make a solid connection I put together an acrylic back-plane for my breakout boards/breadboards to sit on. All you need is a piece of Acrylic (mine is 25x50cm), some small bolts (3mm ones are nice for the 2 bigger holes in the Arduino Duemilanove) to attach whatever boards you're planning on using, and (optional) some sticky anti-scratch feet for the bottom (so your wife doesn't get mad about her dining room table getting destroyed!). For tools you will just need a drill, bit, and maybe some pliers for the bolts.
Marking the Acrylic for drilling is easy since you can see through it.
Just gotta add the feet and the sticky back breadboard.
Finished product with plenty of room to add more later!
1 comment:
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